If you have had your pet for a long time, you will of course have developed a strong bond with them and will feel an enormous sense of loss if they disappear and do not come back or are seriously injured.
Remember that it is perfectly normal to grieve for them and do not feel embarrassed or that you should have to hide your emotions. Preventing your emotions from surfacing will make them worse in the long run. Your emotions are your own and it is ok to feel whatever you want, whether this be anger, sadness or even moments of joy thinking about their lives.
Not only is this a difficult time for you, but if you have children in your family, it can be very difficult for them to cope with too. Give them opportunities to talk to you about what has happened when they are ready. The BlueCross has a download that gives lots of advice on how to help children cope.
The Blue Cross also offers a Pet Bereavement Support service in the UK, if you are unable to cope then talking to someone about it can help. The telephone number is 0800 096 6606. This line is open every day 08.30 am to 08.30 pm. It is run by trained volunteers who have all experienced the loss of a pet so they will know exactly how you feel.
One day you may feel ready to welcome a new pet into your home which will bring a whole new lease of excitement, but for now, give yourself time.
We’ll be here for when you need us again.