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If you have a feline friend, chances are you’ve googled a wide range of questions about them. Here at Bob Martin, we’ve put together the 20 most commonly googled questions. Read on to find out pet parent’s most asked question about their cats!


1. Why do cats purr?

As pet parents, we assume that a purring cat is a happy cat. Despite the fact that cats tend to purr when they’re in a relaxed environment, they also sometimes do this when they feel stressed. Scientists have concluded that cats purr to self-soothe, which means that they may be feeling positive or negative emotions when you hear that tell-tale rumbling noise.


2. Why do cats eat grass? 

Ever glanced out your kitchen window and spotted your cat eating grass? Contrary to popular belief, this is actually normal feline behaviour. Eating grass helps your cat go to the toilet and can even help settle an upset stomach. Some research suggests that cats may also eat grass just because they enjoy the taste and texture!


3. Why do cats have whiskers?

A cat’s whiskers aren’t just for show, they actually perform a very important function. Without them, a cat would find it hard to balance or run, as they give your fur baby additional sensory input. They help cats judge the size of openings, preventing them from getting stuck and are crucial to their general equilibrium. 


4. How do cats get fleas?

It doesn’t matter if your fur baby is an outdoor or indoor cat, they can still catch fleas. Fleas can jump quite a large distance, which means they can leap from other animals onto your pet. Fleas are often found in grassy, shady areas and can travel into the home on clothes or shoes. Shop Bob Martin’s flea treatments here


5. Why do cats knead?

If there’s one thing we know about cats, it’s that they love to mark their territory. One of the ways they do this is by kneading, as it releases their scent onto the chosen surface. Another reason cats knead is to relieve stress or to make an area more comfortable before laying down to rest their weary heads. 


6. Why do cats hiss?

When a cat feels threatened, scared or stressed, hissing is one of the ways they communicate this. If you hear this sound, it’s usually a bad sign so stop whatever you’re doing and offer your cat comfort if they want it. If your cat wants space, try to respect their boundaries. 


7. Why do cats sleep so much?

If your cat always seems to be sleeping, this is usually not a cause for concern. Cats need plenty of sleep in order to conserve energy and this is an instinctive trait that has evolved over many years. The average adult cat can sleep up to 18 hours a day! Remember, even though your cat is sleeping, they should still respond to stimuli. If they’re hard to rouse, make sure you get them checked out by a vet. 


8. Why do cats meow?

Do you find that your cat tends to ‘meow’ at you at certain times during the day? Your cat’s meow is one of the ways they communicate with you! This is typically their way of letting you know they want something and in most cases, this is usually food, water or attention. 


9. Why do cats lick you?

Good news, when a cat licks you, this is their way of showing love! Licking is their way of creating a social bond and demonstrating affection. If you’re lucky enough to be licked by your cat, take it as a clear sign they like you! 


10. Why do cats moult?

If it seems like you never stop vacuuming your carpet to get rid of cat hair, we feel your pain. The reason cats moult so much is because dead fur can actually irritate their skin, so it sheds to keep them nice and healthy. Grooming your cat regularly can help keep your house clean as you can put the fallen fur straight into the bin, rather than letting it shed on its own. 


11. Why do cats hate the vet?

If your cat seems to hate nothing more than going to the vet, don’t worry, they’re not on their own. Cats are sensitive creatures and can be very fearful of new environments, especially when they associate them with medicine they don’t want to take or injections that they find painful. 


12. Why do cats hate dogs?

This is actually not so clear cut. The natural instincts of both species make antagonistic interactions between the species common, i.e. dogs are inclined to chase smaller animals that have a tendency to flee (like cats) and many cats respond by hissing or scratching. However, this doesn’t mean all cats hate dogs and all dogs hate cats. When properly socialised, dogs and cats can live happily together and some even form a close bond. 


13. Why do cats like catnip?

We all know that cats go crazy for catnip, but have you ever wondered why? The odour catnip gives off triggers a chemical reaction in your cat’s brain, creating a euphoric feeling. So when cats eat or smell catnip, you might notice them getting playful and excited, before eventually falling asleep. 


14. When do cats go into heat?

Every cat is different but female cats first go into heat when they reach sexual maturity, usually when they’re around six months old. They then go into heat every two to three weeks until they get pregnant (or get spayed). This means that cats can get pregnant any time of year!


15. When do cats stop growing?

A cat is considered fully grown when they reach around twelve months of age. They do the majority of their growth in the first eight weeks and the rate in which they grow slows down as the months pass. Some breeds of cat don’t reach their full size until they’re two years old, although these breeds (such as the Maine Coon) are more rare. 


16. What do cats think humans are?

Ever wondered if your cat knows you’re human? Studies show that they actually don’t! Cats think we’re cats too, just of the larger, clumsier variety. Of course, we don’t know this for certain but experts believe cats just see us as big, hairless felines. 


17. How do cats catch worms?

Well, it depends on the kind of worm. Generally speaking, cats catch worms when they come into contact with an infestation- this may be in faeces, through flea contact or from a dead animal. Cats that roam around outdoors are more likely to catch fleas than those that stay indoors. Having said that, all cats can catch worms so it’s still important to take part in #wormwednesdays. You can shop worm treatment here at Bob Martin.


18. How long do cats live?

Domestic cats can live for up to sixteen years and some have even been reported to live as long as twenty years! You can keep your cat healthy by always feeding them high quality, high protein cat food and ensuring you get regular check-ups at the vet. 


19. How do cats see in the dark?

Cats may not be able to see the depths of colour that we can, but they can sure see a lot better in the dark than us. Their eyes are much better adapted than human eyes for seeing in low levels of light and this is due to the high number of rods in their retina. 


20. How do cats show love?

When your cat loves you, chances are they will follow you everywhere you go! They like taking naps on your lap, give you the occasional lick and purr when you tickle them behind their ears. All of these things are clear sign your fur baby has a strong bond with you. 


Are there any questions we’ve missed? Connect with us on social media today and share some of the questions you’ve googled about your pet! 

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