With the warm weather, unfortunately, comes fleas, the best way to deal with this is to try and prevent them in the first place.

But first, know your enemy. Here are some helpful facts about the critters, along with methods for avoiding them:
Fleas like it warm. They prefer temperatures of over 20°C, which is why they tend to flourish in the summer.
Fleas will bed down with your pet. Fleas love your pet’s bedding. If you’re worried about an infestation make sure you wash the entire thing, not just the cover at a temperature above 40° C. If this isn’t possible, it might be best to buy a new one.
Fleas carry disease. Fleas aren’t just an itchy nuisance; they can spread some nasty diseases, make sure everyone stays healthy by treating your pet – and home – for fleas regularly.
Fleas can cause anaemia. In young animals, a severe flea infestation can cause anaemia. Regularly check your pet’s gums – if they’re pale pink or white, it could be time to see a vet.
Fleas can lay eggs anywhere in your home. You need to treat your entire home for fleas, not just your pet’s bed. You’ll never truly get rid of a flea infestation unless you destroy every last egg. They particularly enjoy floorboard cracks, skirting boards and underneath furniture.
Fleas can go unnoticed. When you’ve owned a pet for a while, you become less responsive to flea bites, which means you may not notice an infestation in your home. Stay aware and take action if you think you have a problem.