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As a pet parent, we have no doubt that flea season is probably the bane of your life. It seems like the minute you get rid of one infestation, another one is rearing its head. Even if you’ve been a pet owner for years, we’re willing to bet that there’s a few things about the pesky little blighters that just may surprise you. Read on for the top myths and misconceptions when it comes to treating fleas.

Fleas can fly


If the thought of a flying flea fills you with abstract horror, we completely get it. Luckily it’s a complete myth that fleas are able to fly. However, they can jump around 150 times their own height. Around 8” in fact.


A healthy pet won’t catch fleas


As a responsible pet owner, we know that your pet’s health is extremely important to you. Unfortunately, just because your pet is healthy doesn’t mean that they won’t catch fleas, contrary to popular belief. All pets can catch fleas, especially those that spend a lot of time outdoors. 


Fleas live on pets


Completely false. Yes, fleas do tend to enter your home on your pet but they can also survive on furniture, snuggled up in your carpet or tucked up into household  bedding. If your pet has fleas, chances are that the majority of the infestation will actually be in your home rather than just on your pet. 


Clean homes don’t have fleas


Even if your home is spick and span, this doesn’t necessarily mean it will be flea-free. Flea infestations are persistent by their very nature and unless you keep on top of prevention and treatment practices in your home, as well as on your pet, there’s no guarantee you won’t get some unwelcome squatters. 


Garlic fends off fleas

Garlic is about as effective at warding off fleas as it is vampires. Not only is there no evidence to support the idea that garlic repels fleas, garlic itself is actually quite harmful for your pet. Ditch the garlic and opt for a preventative treatment instead. 


Natural prevention doesn’t work


Whilst Bob Martin products are highly effective when it comes to preventing fleas and ticks, some natural preventive measures do work. Citronella, eucalyptus, peppermint, tea tree, and rosemary will all naturally repel fleas. Dilute a couple of drops of the essential oils in water and use a spray bottle to apply the mixture directly onto your dog’s coat. 


Flea treatments take forever to eliminate fleas


This is simply false. When used correctly, Bob Martin flea and tick treatments can get rid of infestations extremely quickly. When combined with our other in-home treatment products, you can wave goodbye to fleas in as little as 24 hours. 


Flea infested pets all scratch


Many pet parents assume that if their dog or cat isn’t scratching, this means they don’t have fleas. Unfortunately, not all pets scratch when they have an infestation so it is important to remain vigilant and check your pet regularly, even if they aren’t showing any outward signs. In addition, not all pets that scratch necessarily have fleas. They could be suffering from allergies or skin conditions. 


Fleas are seasonal


Sure, fleas prefer warmer weather and tend to be more active during the spring and summer months. That being said, your pet can still catch fleas during the winter. The parasites can lay dormant in carpets or other places in your home during the colder months so it is crucial to keep this in mind. 


You can see how bad the infestation is


If you spot a couple of fleas on your pet, you may assume that the infestation is quite small. We hate to be the bearer of bad news but over 90% of fleas and flea eggs are actually in the home, rather than on your pet. 


You can get rid of fleas for good


You may be wondering how you can get rid of fleas instantly, for them to never return again. Unfortunately, the treatment that gets rid of fleas once and for all hasn’t been invented yet. If you have a cat or a dog, it is vital that you have a consistent routine in place for preventing and treating flea infestations. Visit our extensive product range for everything a pet owner needs to keep their pet (and home!) flea free. 


Follow us on social media for more myths and misconceptions, as well as helpful tips and tricks when it comes to pet healthcare. 

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